Current Rates

Loan Rates

Rate are accurate as of 00/00/00
Rates Subject to Change Without Notice. APR (Annual Percentage Rate)

Fixed Rate Mortgage Term Rate APR*
Primary Residence 10 Years
15 Years
20 Years
Rental Property* 20 years 7.25% 7.403%
Commercial* 15 Years 6.50% 6.685%
Vacant Land* 15 Years 7.75% 7.943%
Construction 9 months 7.50% 7.663%
Automobile Loans Term Rate APR*
New 60 Month 9.50% 9.50%
Used & Demo 48 Month 10.00% 10.00%

* Loans Secured By Deposit Accounts. Loans against Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit
are made at 2% above the deposit interest rate.

Savings Rates

Rate are accurate as of 00/00/00.
Rates Subject to Change Without Notice. APY (Annual Percentage Yield)

Description Rate APY*
Option CD (33-month term/$5,000 min.) 6.00% 6.14%
*3-month CD 4.50% 4.58%
*6-month CD 4.75% 4.81%
*1-year CD 5.25% 5.35%
*2-year CD 5.35% 5.46%
*3-year CD 5.50% 5.61%
*5-year CD 5.60% 5.72%
Home Buyers CD ($100 min.) 5.50% 5.61%
IRA (18-month term/$100 min.) 5.35% 5.46%
Money Market $10,000 + 5.00% 5.13%
Money Market Under $10,000 3.75% 3.82%
Passbook Savings 3.00% 3.03%
Checking Account 2.75% 2.79%
Money Market Accounts Amount Rate APY*
Tier 1 2,000 1.55 1.56
Tier 2 10,000 0.75 0.75
Tier 3 25,000 2.10 2.12
Tier 4 50,000 2.55 2.56

*APY refers to Annual Percentage Yield based on simple interest.
*APR refers to Annual Percentage Rate based on simple interest.

Certificates of Deposit RatesIcon for: Rates

Term Rate APY*
91 Days .10% .10%
6 Months .15% .15%
18 Months .40% .40%
24 Months .60% .60%
36 Months .75% .75%
48 Months .80% .80%
60 Months 1.10% 1.09%
Learn More

*Annual Percentage Yield is accurate as of 00/00/14 and is subject to change without notice. A $500 minimum balance is required to obtain the APY. There may be a penalty for early withdrawal.